Virtual Week: March 24-28, 2025

In-Person Week: April 1-3, 2025

The following registration options will be available:

  • Virtual only (Regular rate: $199)

  • In-Person only (Regular rate: $399)

  • Virtual and in-person (Regular rate: $419, you are getting virtual for only $20!)

Additional Information:

  • The in-person days will be held at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel, Columbia, SC.

  • Victim Service Provider (VSP) and Continuing Law Enforcement Education (CLEE) credit will be applied for.

  • 15 hours of basic core VSP training will be available during virtual week only.

DON’t forget:

  • The conference t-shirt presale starts January 17th!

  • Hotel reservations can be made on the conference registration website.

  • You may view the conference agenda on the conference registration website.

Over 400 people attend the annual Victims’ Rights Week Conference to receive cutting-edge training and to network with experts in the field.  Crime victims/survivors, victim service providers and criminal justice professionals attend to learn from each other as well as experts in the field, share their experiences and meet others who “walk in their shoes.”

Victims pay homage to their lost loved ones during an intensely moving Unity Ceremony, and attend workshops/webinars devoted to helping them deal with grief, anger, and stress.

QUESTIONS? Email or call (803) 750-1200

PHONE: (803) 750-1200