VSP Basic Core Certification Training: Handouts/Info

This training is co-sponsored by the Orangeburg County Sheriff’s Office Victims Services Unit and the South Carolina Victim Assistance Network (SCVAN).




9:15am-10:15am (Specialized)                                                                                                         

Presenter: Sheriff Leroy Ravenell & Chief Chandra McPherson-Gibbs, Orangeburg County Sheriff’s Office

Victim Services Matters: This Training will focus on educating senior leaders in Law Enforcement Agencies on the importance of Victim Services. Presenters will discuss buy-in methods and allow for an interactive portion of what has worked and the learning curves from building a successful program.  Participants will be encouraged to bring a senior leader to this session.

10:25am-11:25am (Self-Care)                                                                                                

Presenter: Nakisha Randolph, LMFT

The Trauma Behind the Matter – This training will help process the trauma advocates experience while serving victims of crime.

12:45pm-1:45pm (Criminal Justice System/Court Procedures)                                             

 Presenter: Chief Chandra McPherson-Gibbs, Orangeburg County Sheriff’s Office (Filled in for original presenter - Nataki Brown)

How a Case Moves Through the Criminal Justice System: This training will enhance your understanding of how cases actually begin and end in the Criminal Justice System.


1:45pm – 2:45pm (Specialized Training)                                                                                                          

Presenter: Roger Acton, Faith Based Victim Services Program Director, SC Victim Assistance Network

Faith Based Victim Services: This training will enhance the understanding of how victim services providers can work with their local faith community to serve victims of crime.


3pm-4pm (SC Victims' Rights/Compliance/Statutes)                                                                

Presenter: Veronica Swain Kunz, Deputy Director of Crime Victim Ombudsman, SC Attorney General Office

 Crime Victims’ Legal Rights - Part 1: Victims’ rights are human rights. In years past, one frustrated survivor pled, “At least treat us a well as you treat Criminals!” In 1998, SC citizens voted overwhelmingly to amend our State’s Constitution to ensure that crime victims had legal rights throughout the criminal justice system. This training will inform you of the crime victims’ legal rights and remedies to protect them throughout the criminal justice process.

4pm-5pm (SC Victims' Rights/Statutes)                                                                                   

Presenter: Veronica Swain Kunz

Crime Victims’ Legal Rights - Part 2 . . .


Thursday, DECEMBER 7, 2023

9am - 9:20am NETWORKING

9:30am-10:30am (Criminal Justice System/Court Procedures)                                                                  

Presenter: Missy Knight & Katie Allgood, Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon (PPP)

Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon (PPP) Services at a Glance: This training will provide an overview of PPP Services. Topics covered will include the various supervision programs under PPP, victim notifications and participation in the supervision process and the parole/pardon hearings.  The interagency dependency of PPP with various agencies such as SCDC, the Attorney General and the Solicitor's offices will also be covered.

  10:30am -11:30am (Compensation Fund/DCVC)                                                                                        

 Presenter: Department of Crime Victim Compensation (DCVC), SC Attorney General Office

Crime Victims’ Compensation: This training will provide valuable information about the crime victims’ compensation program, its benefits, and services. This training will also explore participant’s knowledge regarding the program, benefits and services provided to crime victims. 

1pm – 2pm (Ethics)                                                                                                   

Presenter: Debbie Curtis, Deputy Director, Department of Crime Victim Compensation

Ethics in Victim Services - Part 1: This training will explore common ethical conflicts and how to apply ethical standards and decision-making skills to resolve them. This training will teach the skills related to Values, Ethics and Standards.

2pm-3pm (Specialized Training)

Presenter: Kathryn Moorehead, SC Office of the Attorney General

Human Trafficking – This training will deepen the understanding of Human Trafficking along with its global impact. Advocates will also receive training on working with victims of human trafficking the support services that are available.


3:15pm-4:15pm (Specialized Training)                                                                                                    

 Presenter: Sherry Rhodes, Department of Corrections

SCDC Connects: 2 Key Strategies for Recharging Victims’ Rights: The Division of Victim Service at the SC Department of Corrections manages several essential programs, all with the goal of making a positive impact on our shared community. A discussion of these key programs will share information on the ways the Agency is working to transform the lives of offenders to realize the harm they have caused and to inform and empower victims.



Friday, DECEMBER 8, 2023


9am – 10am (Specialized)                                                                                   

Presenter: Trisha Allen, Victim Services, SC Attorney General’s Office

 Victim Services in Post-Conviction Challenges: This workshop will provide an overview of post-conviction challenges offenders may file including, appeals, post- conviction relief applications, and federal habeas petitions and how victims are kept apprised of the case status.

10am – 11am (Multidisciplinary Collaboration)                                                                                                                                                              

Presenters: Nicole Goodwin & Shannon Geary, Program Directors, SC Victim Assistance Network

Prepare to Serve: This training is designed to promote creative thinking in servicing victims of crime with limited resources. Attendees will gain tools on how to engage their community to assist with services provided and needed. This training will enable attendees to better manage direct services to victims while networking with other agencies and community partners to develop diverse avenues for service.  The training will allow participant to look at the strengths and modifications needed in collaborating while providing for victims of crime.

11:15am -12:15pm (Multidisciplinary Collaboration)                                                                                                 

Presenters: Nicole Goodwin & Shannon Geary, Program Directors, SC Victim Assistance Network

SCVAN AT-A-GLANCE: This training will highlight the services of the South Carolina Victim Assistance Network. This training will provide resources and referrals for collaborative efforts across the State and how to utilize them in serving crime victims.   This training will identify the roles of advocates and their different roles within the judicial system.

(same PowerPoint as used above)

1:20pm-2:20pm (Communication - Basics)                                                                                                         

Presenter: Shannon Geary, Program Director, SC Victim Assistance Network  

Basics of Communication – This training will offer insights into the basics of communicating while helping victims of crime. It will delve into the balance of compassion and empathy while offering assistance.

2:20pm-3:20pm (Communication - Trauma Informed)                                                                                     

Presenter: Beverly Holbrook

Trauma Informed Care – This training will identify how traumatic experiences often shape a person’s thinking, emotions and decision making.

PHONE: (803) 750-1200