FB Training Opportunities — South Carolina Victim Assistance Network


No new trainings at this time


The following webinars were recorded during Virtual Victims’ Rights Week 2020. If you have any questions or need more information, please call us at (803) 394-9903 or (864) 312-6457. You may also send an email to roger@scvan.org or arelis@scvan.org.

“Faith Collaboration Works” gives you a great, big picture of our work, plus many more resource ideas.

“Human Trafficking in SC: A Statewide Strategic Response” was done in partnership with the SC Attorney General's Office with their Human Trafficking team, and our new interfaith partnership strategies.

The following webinar training was recorded during our Walterboro Roundtable on September 17, 2020. Contact information for the presenter: FOCUS Ministries, Inc., Paula Silva, Founder and a DV Survivor

PHONE: (803) 750-1200
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